hootie mcboob


Yeah about those American Dad reviews…..

Which is why I always get screwed trying to warch the Jets here in New England. The best I can do is hope they play on different days, but even then a lot of the time I still get to watch the awful Bills.(slits throat)

You have no sole.

The ugliest man in the history of professional sports!

I'm a Jets fan living in the heart of New Englan so I get to see a lot of Brady. The reason I agree is because like Michael Jordan, Brady makes everyone around him better. I don't think the same can be said for Lebron in basketball or Manning in football.

Rumor has it he wants to play til he's 45. The guy has an insane workout agenda so I think it's possible.

You might be on to something.

I listen to Alive at work at least a few times a week and dammit it never gets old.

This guy gets it.

AARP movie of the year!

What? No spoiler space?

Buncha savages I say!!!!

We must give these producers a wide berth.

I'm not there yet, my son turns 8 next month. We enrolled him in private school last year(thank god his home district covers the costs) and he's been making tremendous progress.

My condolences.

I have an autistic son as well, you ever wanna talk about it Jose I'm here and feel your pain.

And it's even worse the way the birth father has been sticking his ugly mug in front of every news camera around. That guy deserves a beating.

Play the numbers, eventually it'll pay off.

Pass the salt.