hootie mcboob

And don't forget Lets Go To Prison.

The Gunman would like a word with you.

That's the sound of him smoking crack. Honest mistake.

With all the drugs floating around that set, can we be sure it was him and not Adrian Zamed or whatever the fuck his name was?

Tom Hanks sits grinning in the corner.

Ami the only one seeing the similarities between a Donald Trump campaign and a Lex Luthor campaign?

Well I can't un-see it now.

Superman's pal.

Is this a version of fuck, marry, kill?

Gimme Hamm on two, hold the Mayo.

I stand by my B.O.R.I.N.G.

You mean Slurm?

Where's Batmanuel?

Well………. Send him in.

Tell him I'm out to lunch.

That's just like, your opinion man.

There's a cream for that.

In all honesty, from what I've seen so far, he looks better than Apocalypse.

Still looks better than anything from Agents of B.O.R.I.N.G.

Can't wait for the ten minute sky-diving scene.