hootie mcboob

Or a eunich

Where white met bread.

Who's got dibs on this in the Cancellation League?

Julian Sands?

You're just no fun.

What about handlebar mustaches? Those are still cool right?

Well, so much for that dinner I was about to sit down and eat.

Keep Rat Race too.

Well done Dr.!!!!

You can punch him and say it was from me.

Up voted for Duck Soup

My wife and I constantly drop " I didn't say it to get a program outta you!"

But you were born to rub me first…..

Whenever anyone, and I mean anyone, asks me if something makes them look fat, I say "no your face makes you look fat."

I can't do my woooooooork

My favorite coworker and I walk into work at least once a week doing the Birds of Prey intro.

I was 37?!!!!!!

Just adapt the JLU episode The Death of Superman. Supes gets transported thousands of years in the yellow-sun-depleted where he has to rely on his wits to survive, and teams up with Vandal Savage to save the world. Boom problem solved.

you want me to pose nude, you're gonna need a long lens…

When I get stuck in traffic I use a Homer