hootie mcboob

Robot House!!!!

Dats a fargin trick question!!!!

Now who's being obtuse?

But probably my most used is Coming To America

Oh Billy…..

Whenever I listen to the tv too loud I think of the Simpsons

I do have BO, so there's that.

I'd go see Horse Meat Disco on name alone. Sounds like a good time.

Kinda reminds me of The Towering Inferno. How can you build the largest, most state-of-the-art skyscraper and you cut corners on the electric?

I'd rather see Hologram Sam Kinison hosting it.

Just make sure you get your ass to Mars.

Old but spry sir.

Chief, they got your boy.

I only see one chin, so no.

I looked quick and thought it was Ray Liotta. Jesus, I gotta get an eye exam.

Fundamentally, I disagree.

Scrolls down.

Hate hate hate

Who said "fuck the machine?"

As the narrator.