hootie mcboob

I would've rather had a 2 Live Crew biopic.


Just make it as bat-shit crazy as The Fifth Element, minus annoying Chris Tucker.

I'd buy that for a dollar!!!

Just waiting for the Burger King King scandal. What skeletons does that guy have in his closet?


You're by no means alone.

I had a friend like that for 15 years. We parted ways shortly after Christmas. I'd finally had enough. And you know what? I look back fondly on the good times we had but I don't regret it one bit.

Hell yes!

Was it Bob Ryan?


Just gimme the check!!!!

Looked like Atom Smasher.

Usually the word "grim" is associated with it.

I may be mistaken, but didn't the AV Club do The Price Is Right for their column Expert Witness?

I've been delivering mail for 17 years, and a large part of that is Senior Housing, and you'd think I've had my fill of dumb questions and blank stares….. But you'd be wrong. They are the worst. Period.

Give us Hell Quimby!!!

Wait, what?

*watches naturalcynic head out into the world like a proud parent*

You know what the music means…