hootie mcboob

Well I went to Upstairs Community Law School so I know a little about the legal world.

Obviously it's Ravishing Rick Rude.

Stewart vs Oliver. Steel cage!!

No. Never.

Don't give me that white zone shit…

Best episode that show ever did was when Carl tricked out his pool.

Remember that time you commented….

Tunnels approaching….

That had to be the voice of Hedonismbot as the butler.

And why am I just hearing about this now?

When the hell are mummies gonna be the sexy movie stars?

How much you bench?

Are there any bee-freers?

"This deals getting worse by the minute!"

You haven't heard the last of me Flag On The Moon!!!!!!!!

Perfect answer Will Harris, not that I expected any less from you.

I didn't say it to get a program out of you.

Well if you're not a pirate… Who am I gonna share all this buried treasure with?

Donovan or something right?

I didn't know Donnie Yen is in this too? Oh shit. They had me at Mendelsohn but this cast is most impressive.