hootie mcboob

Where the hell is OldTownGail?


Ok now go ahead and give the go-ahead to seasons 4,5,6,7….

Puttin on the Ritz!!!!

Tennesseein is Tennebelievin!!!!

Yeah no kidding.

Cue up the Blue-Haired lawyer.

Where was Suge Knight when it happened?

Just order something from their $1 cardboard menu.

Hopefully it doesn't have to go in the oven.

The Virgin Connie Swail?

Can it be both?

Zach Snyder was BORN to direct a Baywatch movie. Get on it Hollywood.

Anybody can get implants hp.

So Superman is gonna be a Milford Man?

I just wanted to say…. Moons Over My Hammy


Stick with the herb.

Can't think of a better way to cap off my birthday with some Rick and Morty tonight.

But we have notes!