hootie mcboob

Where's. My. Super-suit?!!!!!


Now get in your mouse, and get the hell outta here!!!

*cough Transporter cough*

Upvoted for the mouthbreathers.

Keith Olberman?!

That's a mighty fine coat you're bleeding all over….

Oh God, my brother used to do that to me when we were kids!!!!

While you're at it, add Marshall Bell into the mix.

Oh I remember it. And cherish it dearly.

I prefer my robots to kill for fun, like HK 47 thank you very much.

Shall I terminate Master?

Then I'll see you in HELL!!!!

"Well we just unzipped our fly Mr. Ryan."

Corporate Accounts payable Nina speaking!!!!

Best wishes man.

A penalty?!!!

Better than being Munsoned.

Hearst Helmsley.

My mums a saint!!!!!