hootie mcboob

Sniper at your feet!

I'm sorry but Raymond Cruz will always be Diego Chavez to me. Every Clancy book, all I can picture is him when I'm reading. Solid actor.

Paging Captain Positive!!!


Maybe she's been doing lots of yoga to get ready?

You left out The Punisher.

Hulk in eye-liner? Now this I gotta see.

Huey's too black-sounding for my tasteā€¦.

Or that god-awful Death Becomes Her with Bruce Willis and Goldie Hawn. Not a laugh to be found.

His voice acting on American Dad is certainly more than enough to convince me the guys funny.

You couldn't possibly do that without Bruce Dern.

Why both of course!

He's good around the potty!

We're gonna need a shitload of cocaine for this.

Are you a pirate?


It was Laurence Fishburne.

Other frat-bros? Oh wait, never mind.

Oprah MuthafuckinWinfrey!!!

Americas most trusted news network!!