hootie mcboob

You write it, I'll read it!!!!

You ever sucked some dick for marijuana?!!!


Dominic West was terrible, but honestly Ray Stevenson was my favorite Punisher. He looked and played the part perfectly.

Firing, like a shooting? Ok I'm on it.

Punisher: War Zone had some good things going for it.

A guy can dream right?

Stop fucking around already DC and just give Kathryn Bigelow as much money as she wants.

Mort Gadot?

Alice Coopers Poison.

I know. What's the wi-fi password again?

Duh, you put tar on it first. Sheesh

Damn you Miles I was just typing that. You've made an enemy sir.

We get it Madonna, you're promiscuous.

Grand theft artery.

I'm a wanted man in Turkmenistan.

Agree to disagree I guess. No hard feelings. Snowpiercer to me embraced how crazy it was and went with it. So many things about Drive really bothered the shit out of me. Plus Im not convinced that Ryan Gosling is a good actor.

That's all well and good, but can someone please explain to me how Snowpiercer didn't make the list?

You're not alone.

It can be…… Oh wait, never mind.