hootie mcboob

I always dream that DC movies will dub whatever actors they're using for their real voices
Kevin Conroy, Clancy Brown, Tim Daly/George Newbern…. Ron Perlman will always be Deathstroke to me.

Hey I'd take him over Sam Worthington.

If they can make it half as good as the JLU episode Task Force X, I say go for it.

For my pleasure!

Mandy is a fool!

Preach on Mads.

Must've been a pretty slow century!

Yeah we need him in more quality stuff.

How do you like it?
How do you like it?

It's a wonderful restaurant.

Got room for one more?

Something Stupid is an incredible song. That's my go-to when introducing someone to his work.

It made its money back.

This a red fucking car Rudy!!!

Huh, I thought it was Booourns.


Amber is hotter, no question about it.

George Gray did. So there's that.


Cuz you do it in Bed Bath & Beyond.