hootie mcboob

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Fucking Jehovah's Witnesses, never can take a hint.

Too late!!! We all heard it, his names Jeffrey!

I'd watch it out of fear that he'd come kick my ass if I didnt.

Something about the Age of Enlightenment right?
Hang on Voltaire.

I sometimes have nightmares of someone yelling "a bus just pulled in!"

Come quick, there's a crazy old man who wants to see a quack!!!

Gotta respect a man that has brand loyalty.

I've been boycotting ever since they raised the price of hash browns from 2 for $1 to $1 each. Fuck that shit.

"If you have any doubt, wipe it against a piece of paper. If it turns clear, it's your path to weight gain."

Try it once. The shame will keep you from going back.

What about noonsies?

It means he never took real career risks, at all. Those others you mentioned have.

Don't listen to him sir, you have an enchanting musk.

Does anybody have a real question?

NAMBLA propaganda.

And Erika Christiansen.


It may not seem it to you Will, but you've got the best damn job in the world. Plus your work is impeccable. I know I've mentioned it in a previous column, but if you got one with M Emmett Walsh you'd be my hero forever.

Why don't ya come over…. And I'll show you what a real man looks like.