hootie mcboob

No but there's a chance the track will bend.

Maybe after July.

I did that, though I'm ashamed to admit it. Went to see the trailer for Fantastic Four and as soon as Elektra came on I was outta there.

He'll always be Nordberg to me.

Wouldn't that be the OJ Simpson story?

Is it possibly as good as the reviews are?

The devils in the details.

It's a possibility.

Shit, I'd watch this guy in anything.

I don't care how old he is, they still should've cast Clancy Brown. He is Lex.

Is that Randolph Scott's brother?

Tommy Wiseau was available.

It CAN be both you know.

Heatcliff was unavailable due to scheduling difficulty.

Yes it is. All the way up with a red hot poker.

Shirley you can't be serious?

Mrs. Simpson, I killed my pencil.

That was glorious!

No no those people that make the ceiling fans.

The Tick.