hootie mcboob

How bout coma fantasy?

You think Eddie Money's gotta put up with this shit?!!

Upvoted purely for the Tony Goldwyn

You talking about Lou's dad?

You call that a comment?!! Snark harder! And so forth…

Rock bottom?

Hey come on now, The Single Guy was a pretty decent show with a good supporting cast.

Great,but where's Police Cops?

I'm holding out til Jonathan Nolans Robot and Empire series.

Christine Taylor you say?

I know he's older but can we please get one with M Emmet Walsh? Yeah that motherscratcher.

Watch the documentary That Guy…. Who Was In That Thing. Really good stuff and I liked Zeljkos story about being pressured to change his name.

As David Lee Roth said… Big Bad Bill is Sweet William now.

Your average Rusky don't take a dump without a plan son.

If I could drink Vodka from a bottle….

You really think you can goad me into doing a trick like that?

There are girls watching…

Right Said Dredd

"Roots on the Run"

Gig for Herpes!