hootie mcboob

I don't wanna wake up kissing Nat King Cole

THC. Morning, noon, and night. Helps with the migraines.

Private message me.
*pulls out secret Rolodex a la Dennis Reynolds*

Fucking shit!!

Hey hey congrats Colonel!!!

Just came back to check, man this is a shitload of comments.

So it's safe to wear my Junko jeans again?

They doing a remake of a Michael Jackson video?

Could God heat a burrito so hot, even he couldn't eat it?

Where the white women at?

Yeah that is a concern, but at this point I have faith.

I swear I saw in a different teaser Barry have his costume come out of a ring. Please let that be true and I'll die a happy nerd.

Beer fest is a test of a true beer gamers mettle!!!!

Don't listen to my friend, he's had way too much too drink…..

You scum-sucking swine!
You son-of-a-motherless-goat!

King Kong

Now that's how you fight. Started over nothing and ended just as easily. Tip of the cap good sir.

Somebody had to have mentioned A Bronx Tale by now right?

If you like Piña Coladas….

I've been in love with her ever since I saw Sea Of Love, and I always refer to my wife as a young Ellen Barkin.