hootie mcboob

The Reboot Wore Menace Shows


Is this a remake of that Ray Liotta movie?

Prequel involving the Andy Griffith Show Universe?

No kidding. You try to overlook things like that.

Next time Franko put it in a goddamn memo…


Its our sense of humor that has sustained us as a people for 2000 years.

He's too busy playing Man-Cheetah

I need a drink.

My God she's looking like Lucille Bluth post-op.

You're thinking of Mary Palmer and her 5 sisters.

What did the five fingers say to the face?

Batman/Bruce Wayne. Nuff said.

You were making out during Schindlers List?

So is she gonna learn Spanish in jail?

First thing I ever remember seeing him in was Basic Instinct, so there's that.

"Embarrassed like that time you got caught fucking your cousin?"

Señor Spielbergo finally getting his chance on this film?

Now get in your mouse, and get the hell outta here!