hootie mcboob

Don't you dare dump on Explorers!!

No they're the opening act for Kings Of Leon.

Yeah that was some awful shit. For me, the hardest part was Shane's boy wearing the same pajamas as my son. Man.

You said it perfectly. There are no "characters" just people.

Moral Orel is one of the most underrated shows of all time. Period.

Isn't Kansas in there somewhere?

Nottingham calls for aid!!!

I don't care. I'd give my left nut for a Centurions or MASK movie.

So that's what killed Bernie?

Ok here's my Cheap Trick story. Bunch of buddies and myself went in 97 or 98 to see Motley Crüe and Cheap Trick was the opening act. We're about 15 rows deep on the floor enjoying he show and having some laughs and directly next to us had to be the biggest Trick fans in the world. Belting out every song, mullets

Ride of the Fire Mares is about as great as it gets.

Better have lots of dong

Crime Time
Crime of the Century
Crime Cops

If Dom Irreras there count me in!

I tried Topamax for over a year and it didn't do shit for me. The only thing that has ever taken the edge off is Excedrin Migraine.

Congrats! I drink only about once a year, for good reason, but for me giving up booze was the best thing I ever did for myself.

Sidney Lumet

I have a pair left over from the 90s that I still wear when I'm painting. I swear they could probably stop a bullet.

You can say that again. Need to re watch ASAP.

There's plenty of us poor white people out there buddy. Or is being born white mean being born rich?