hootie mcboob

But why should there be any "anger" about what she said? Does it really warrant that?

Go the distance.

In my favorite flavor…… Plain!!

And we all suck at basketball!!!!

Give us hell Quimby!!!

Very perceptive.

I'm too lazy, is that the Ed Snowden documentary?

Youre not.

Have you read any of his other stuff? Bridge of Sighs was fantastic.

Got so much cash gotta keep in Hefty bags….


Don't forget Master and Commander

They say in Paris, as we speak, Louis Pasteur is working to……..


You want me to pose nude you're gonna need a long lens.

Personally, I think it makes sense to do the opposite of Marvel. The first episode of JLU has them already existing, it wasn't until after that you got their back stories.

Where's Captain Positive when you need him?

Ah good ole Crispin Glover

It was the best of times, it was the brownest of times….

Yikes! Tell her you have herpes.