hootie mcboob

911 joke?

Get out now.

No talent ass-clown

I call it a draw, no pun intended.

Upvoted for the nod to Samurai Champloo.

And lastly Dr. Katz for D dammit!!!

And since this article is alphabetic, why the hell isn't Justice League or JLU representative of J? Again, all respect to Johnny Bravo.

I have all the respect in the world for Ren and Stimpy and I know it's only been on for one season, but my vote would go to Rick and Morty.

Go easy on the kid, he's got cancer.

You seek like a great girl….. I'll call you eometime

Los Vatos kick your butt into outer-space!!!

Huh, I thought it was saying Edna.

Are Poo and Ass taken?

Yeah Bill go sleep on the couch.

What's a four-letter word for snatch?

Always plan ahead.

Or turning down The Matrix.

Featuring Mary Palmer and her 5 sisters!!!!

Food poison yourself Marty.

*grabs bottle from Wafflicious*