hootie mcboob

What about "you know the ones I'm talking about"

Mooching war widows?

Not even Ahmad

You'll always be a nobody til you rape someone.

Hell yes!

I'm curious, where does Person Of Interest fall on the spectrum?

The Malarkeys? Hail To The Chimp?

Shut the fuck up Donnie


This guy gets it.

I haven't seen a year like this since Benny Berman layed his dick out on the overhead projector.

And in other news the sky is blue.

Please tell me they're getting the help they so sorely need?

It's an entirely different kind of ownership.

Ride of the Fire Mares!!!!

There are some girls that keep floating around the comments sections bragging about working from home making big bucks…..

Yeah but who doesn't love a good conspiracy, no matter what the subject it is. The Earth is hollow and there's a civilization living in the core? Or the one about the Dwarf star headed for Earth every 80,000 years? I've had many a good times getting lost in those just for kicks. And it also makes you pause for just a

The correct answer is The Big Store.

First thing that comes to mind other than the Lost Boys is as Goldie Hawns husband in Overboard. Best part of that movie, which isn't saying much.

In Boston there's plans for protesters to show up and try and ruin the city's celebration. So there's that.