hootie mcboob

Huey's too black-sounding for my taste

Ramses II

Mine can barely hold themselves together

Does anybody really give a shit at this point?

My kids were on that beach too

Are her jugs big? I've got a friend that's interested…

I'm just here to see my best friends mom…


I assume actors in a funk like him have either a massive drug or gambling problem.

What the hells he doing wearing stilettos in Wisconsin?

I'm so glad you're not pregnant!

I found my special purpose!!!!

Right back atcha Kawaii!!!

It's Christmastime, let the boy dream.

He receives a lifetime pass from me for his excellent work with Bradley Whitford in The Good Guys.

Looking at you John Cusack

The interaction between Luthor and Clark in All-Star Superman is fantastic. Luthor ranting about Superman to Clark and then comparing him to the former is hilarious.

But why speak ill of the dead?

You ole lunkhead

He must be funny or something.