hootie mcboob

Co-starring Elton Brand?

Oh aren't you lucky to have never watched porn through scrambled channels!!!! Show off.

The trailer left me feeling limp.

Stick with it. There's something interesting stuff in his other work. Like others said he's great at the big ideas.

Yeah no kidding. Did a good job of setting up the tone of all out gang violence and the city being overrun by it. And with the oppressive summer heat/urban jungle feel I thought it was a good continuation of the story.

I'm just a really big Finkel fan.

Hey put up your Dux!!!!

Man I need new glasses. I read that as syphilis.

How many times?

They don't have a good bathroom to do coke in.

And he's not Mark Wahlberg, so he's got that going for him too.

Maybe this will be a good tax write-off for Sony.

Sons a bitches!!!

Outside of having a shitty Terminator it's not bad. I like how they ended it basically saying that Judgement Day in the end was completely unavoidable.

I'd love a warm glass of milk before bed!

Fuckin A!!!

I love those morons that actually think they can leave, oh this is all just a misunderstanding…..

Why don't you have a seat….

Or Fusco somehow.

Conversation starter!