hootie mcboob

Look whatcha did ya little jerk!!!

Yeah but he redeemed himself with Sneakers.

Watch yourself Ed you're on thin ice!!!

George Washingtons teeth were made of wool.

It's really the most sensible option.

A monster rom-com has more mass appeal though.


Just call him Landfill

Barney beat you to it.

What about the love for Pops Freshenmeyer and his Jets prediction last week? Gonna win out and onto the playoffs baby!!!!!

Not very perceptive eh?

You taking porch-monkey back too?

Who's Freda?

How many friends could you possibly have named Drugs?


Him taking that dudes pizza as he walks into the championship still gets me every time.

This guy gets it

Whatever that shitty one was with Chris Klein and Heather Graham.

As soon as I typed I kicked myself for overlooking that. Good call

Me, Myself & Irene