hootie mcboob

Maybe it comes with it's own coaster or something?

Who can blame you?

I need something that says……. Dad likes leather

I like it.

Is it in the Gorilla District?

Only slightly disappointed that Grodd didn't come from Gorilla City. The idea of that existing in the DC Universe is fantastic.

I shouldn't have stopped for that haircut.


And it's Jonathan Nolan doing it!!!!!!

I have been and it's glorious!


Bill Irwin was fantastic as the voice of TARS too.

He's totally a Streisand

I'm with you Pops!!!!!!! To the bitter end!!!!

Sadly. No

All I ever hear is "are you Joseph Gordon Levitt?"

Sigourney Weaver will never be replaced from the top of my list.

Yes on #s 3 and 5

Big Ernie McCrackens combover and his bowling ball. I can't think of two more beautiful things that have ever graced the silver screen.

Quick somebody get him!