hootie mcboob

Can we work Dolph Lundgren in this? Or his dong at least?

Grand Canyon too.

L.A. Confidential

Could God heat a burrito so hot that even He couldn't eat it?

The kids love this one

Hey I'm still waiting for me to bring Carnivale back.

Crap. Crap. Megacrap.

Mrs. McBoob did for me a few Christmases ago. Man did I marry up or what?

I'm gonna get so much use out of that Natick Americans joke.

I'm from Mass and can attest to this fact.

With a little bit of luck I'll get my mother to take my boys to see this. No way I'm sitting through this garbage.


She cheated on him. Cut him some slack.

Ted Danson took the year off?

I wasn't looking. What'd I miss?

Los Vatos!!!!!!

Hootie McBoob drops dead in 40 seconds

Fuck that shit. Let's go POI fans and we"ll make up our own episode for tonight!!!

But he drives a Delorean
