hootie mcboob

In all fairness Summers deserved it

Who told you my morning routine Ricky?

Was that before or after he punched the Pope?

Atherton just can't take the hint sometimes

Same here. One of those rare movies where the characters always come across as real people and existing in the real world. Man what a movie.

How is 'Sex Sent Me to the ER' really a show?

Scramby eggs Steven!

They talk about snow peas?

No no no it's gonna have to do with a cameo from Don Flamenco

See everybody thinks the rich don't sue the poor, but that's where they're wrong

$20 got me Kevin Smith. I say I was ripped off

Clearly you haven't watched POI cuz Emerson kills it and it's one of the best shows on TV right now. If you disagree I can respect that

What about The Cutting Edge dammit?!!

Got the feeling too that when he rushed out of Amia's apartment he was thinking 'oh shit I blew off Pam' moment. And when Amia is gone he'll crawl back to Pam like an old dog.

'Nobody wants to be with you Louie' says just so much about her character and his relationship with her.

You can wear stripper clothes when you're not stripping?

Private Calrissian would like to have a word

I'm thinking bruce Willis and Julia Roberts for the leads

I was hoping it was a feature-length vehicle for Legs and the Wheelman

And Carrie Preston has also had a recurring role on Person of Interest playing Michael Emerson's former fiancée. They have beautiful chemistry together