hootie mcboob

Of course I do how'd you know?

His version of 'Your Cheatin Heart' is beautiful

The Far Side. I'll have an instant kinship with anyone who wants to talk Gary Larson

If you don't like the weather in Blaine, just wait 5 minutes

Well? What did you think?

No. Go on……

I'm under the impression that once Samaritan went live you can't pull the plug, kinda like Skynet

Upvotes for everybody!

I'd love nothing more than for the machine to refer to itself as Giskard or Daneel

Hey the Zeroth Law!

My gut says that Samiratan is gonna go all Skynet and say that people are a threat and The Machine will battle it for humanity.

This. Fucking. Show!

Ummm I liked it……. Waits for death threats.

I once hit someone and left the scene. That you?

You're on! Oh wait nevermind

With 3 kids it's not easy to stay current on things and some important pop culture falls through the cracks. Having said that I finally watched The Master last night and what everyone says was true, downright a phenomenal movie win some amazing performances. Need to watch it again already, I was that impressed with it.


Considering how bad this last season of Parenthood was I don't mind saying adios to the Bravermans.

Whoa whoa whoa! What?

Word is NCIS Jacksonville is up next