hootie mcboob

Yes! The whole series could've used a lot more of that. Or even just give any kind of background on the Sith

I bought their soul from the comic book guy for $5

I do too. The rise of Palpatine is worth putting up with everything else.

One of the more realistic portrayals of college

More Rick and Morty is definitely a good thing.

For years I thought that was David Straitharns lesser known brother

Could this really be the end? Yes it is. Or is it? Yes it is.

Credit goes to Gary Larson

Damn you!

I was with this movie right until Goldblums daughter does the gymnastics and kills the raptor. Then it just went downhill fast. But on the plus side I'll watch anything with Julianne Moore

Hahahaha I text that to my oldest brother at least once a month

I can freely admit I loved Extras, minus the weird Christmas special that ended the show

Xela Kebert

Yeah I'm looking forward to that. Very interesting story there to tell

I agree that Finch probably created Vigilance, esp considering he has the means to do so. But he knew well in advance he'd never be able to control the Machine so what made him think he could control Vigilance? Human beings are probably less if not equally as unpredictable as an artificial intelligence would be.

I can't remember the first time I actually posted on the reviews here. But I've been reading and enjoying them for quite some time and it's great to see how the comments section has grown a lot as well as the fan base. I look forward to it just as much as I do the show itself.
Keep up the good work!

I'm picturing the łine of people waiting to inflict pain in Airplane……

Yes but in a certain light Elias is good. All he wants is order just like a lot of the other characters. And when you think about it aren't most people in one form or another looking for that? People want what's fair and just but don't know how to get it. Sorry for my tardiness too this has been the week from hell.

I tend to think that Decima is tied into Vigilance somehow. Greer didn't seem the least bit surprised when Collier showed up. That's all I got for now. The last 5 or 6 episodes I've just been trying to enjoy the ride and not speculate too much.

Toby Walters!