hootie mcboob

I couldn't sleep the night Bastogne aired. It haunted me for days and every time we get a really cold night I think of the interviews with the real Easy Company and how it affected them for the rest of their lives.

Any more word on Tom Hanks statement that he wants to do a 3rd series on the Air Force in WWII? I'd very much like to see that.

I believe Meander gets the credit for starting that. And it's well deserved

Just like Brainiac!

Any episode with Elias is an automatic A.

I think the coin toss was to illustrate how neither of them are touchy feely with people but just treat it as a job, one that they're incredibly devoted to.

Yeah I thought that as soon as I wrote it and you're right they do still need someone on the force. I only said it cuz of a lot of the situations that Fusco has gotten himself into and eventually his lucks gonna run out. I don't ever see them getting rid of Finch so that leaves Shaw or Reese. Hopefully it's none of

Agreed. But only if he can have some scenes with Elias cuz I'd pay anything to see them together on screen.

I love her even more now after I finally figured it out that she did the voice of The Huntress on JLU. My favorite character on a show that had dozens to choose from.

Oh my Shaw gets more beautiful every week. I think what I like best about this show is that there's no wasted scenes or dialogue. Everything fits perfectly into the case of the week and the overall scope of the series. Characters come across as real people and not just stereotypes or tailoring characters to fit the

According to what I've read they do reveal the Clairvoyant in The Winter Soldier. Can anyone else confirm this?

Yes! And her turning up in Superman/Batman Apokalypse was really nice. Her and WonderWomans fight with the Furies was one of the best action sequences I've ever seen in an animated movie.

I've been anxiously awaiting Hershs return. For some reason I get the feeling Fusco isn't gonna make it to the end of the season. I hope I'm wrong but just like Carter there's not always gonna be a happy ending.

Come on @Meander where are you? This. Fucking. Show.

Don't tell me what I can't do!!!

I agree but The Huntress is even more crush worthy


I hear ya. I'm not in favor of slurs against anyone. Just trying to bring a little levity to the conversation.

If you're gonna do that best bring back p——monkey too

Lemon of Troy for sure. There are so many others worth mentioning but what you said is true it gives you the perfect look into their universe.