hootie mcboob

You lucky sonofabitch! Don't ever let me find out where you live!

35th place- Soap. Loved the show but hated that opening intro

God hates freaks

2nd place Six Feet Under

Batman the Animated Series

Did I claim anywhere all races/cultures were the same or even hint at that? I think you misunderstood my post.

Very well said. I wasn't trying to start any race issues here it just dawned on me a few weeks ago I've never heard another race use the equivocal use of that word relating to their own race/creed what have you. I'm even more curious if there will ever come a time when that word is hardly used anymore.

Not the word I was thinking of. Could've used a couple of different ones but didn't want to offend anyone. Would a Chinese person say to another 'oh that's my…….. We'll you get the point

I never quite understood the appeal for black people to use that word. As far as I can tell no other race/group does that. Ever hear a Jewish person see another Jewish person and say 'hey what's up you £&$%'

It's just a flagrant cash-grab

There's ALWAYS a need for a stunt cock

Talk about edge of your seat thriller

Damn that's hot

Technically yes we are

Economic downturn

Well with all the turnover at the studios lately is it any surprise?

"Remove your clothes and all is forgotten"

My thoughts exactly

Eh only for about 5 minutes then it all comes flooding back

Yeah pretty much everything with Sarah this season has been unbearable. From her basically splitting up Ryan and Amber, fucking with Hank and sending mixed signals, letting the perfect guy Dr. Miracleworker get away, and then being totally oblivious on how to deal with Max. I don't know how much worse her character