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    Odd sense of humor. Not like that hilarious guy Bernie.

    She spends too much time looking for "problems."

    Yet you can't be a terrorist without being radical. So just call it terrorism if that's the direction you'd like to take it.

    It's true. I'm Johnny Cash.

    This doesn't work because Guy Fieri is not sad at all in the clips. He's having a good time, entertaining people, making money for a lot of people, and helping small business owners.

    Yes yes, fast food is "sad." We are so above it all.

    Weird. Hasn't happened and won't. You are clearly missing the point of the story.

    Just a moderate here to make fun of young people without much world experience, Inward. But keep telling yourself *I'm* the enemy and *I'm* the dumb one. Good luck proving that.

    People like Inward Jim get what they deserve.

    One could easily assume that they have algorithms that identify trending topics, rather than paying "curators." So, yeah, I think more than 4 people are surprised at this. Especially anyone with any sort of computer literacy.

    Perhaps the vast majority of people in NC looking at gay porn were actually not in favor of the legislation. Perhaps they are indeed gay.

    A shocking revelation from the AV crew.

    I'm not mocking him. I'm pointing out that he hasn't supported his attack of my claim. But you aren't bright enough to realize this, I see.

    Your Pew Research doesn't show that they've lost their core of extremist lefties. Nice try, though.

    The show doesn't lean nearly as unapologetically left as it did under Stewart. Perhaps it's losing its core demographic of extremist lefties.

    The Palin/Sanders bits are getting old.

    Jared took the "eat fresh" edict a bit too far.

    Not sure you were clear.

    "Amazon Books has mounds of customer data on which books sell the best, so it only has to stock the stuff that’s worth stocking."

    It is simply not very clever. Small minded humor.