SPECTRE looks to be awful. The Bond franchise channeling Eyes Wide Shut (the way Quantum of Solace channeled Chinatown, and Skyfall channeled gay fan fiction).
Any Bond movie that expects…no, demands…I take Spectre seriously…has jumped the shark.
SPECTRE looks to be awful. The Bond franchise channeling Eyes Wide Shut (the way Quantum of Solace channeled Chinatown, and Skyfall channeled gay fan fiction).
Any Bond movie that expects…no, demands…I take Spectre seriously…has jumped the shark.
Accent snobs are as bad as grammar Nazis.
The movie was made for the European and Asian market. They didn't expect it to do well in the U.S. because a lot of the critics would have a problem with a Russian character as anything but the villian.
They can market U.N.C.L.E. overseas as a movie too smart for the North American market. Sadly accurate.
No. I got the impression from the reviews it was a wish-fufillment fantasy for adolescent punks (and adolescents who would like to be punks).
British spies have been done to death, even in parodies.
The movie is not really about re-booting a particular show… more about re-creating the style and spirit of mid-sixties spy shows. Having a recognizable title to flag the type of movie it is makes sense.
It might do pretty well. Bond is currently a dark, humorless, pretentious car/watch commercial for kids who read Details magazine. Bourne and Mission Impossible are first-person-shooter video games. A fun spy movie for actual adults might find an audience.
I don't think most people do. They are too much alike. A rusted old truck crashing in 2015 looks a lot like a rusted old truck crashing in 1982.
I thought he wanted to boink the psycho.
The "best and the brightest" concept died during the Vietnam War.
Hope for a perfect technological future died with Detroit.
"The past is a different country. You can't get there from here."
The motto was fake. The red-haired kid can't cook- not without a genius rat hiding under his hat telling him what to do.