James Hay

Old fart movies…

It is called the NSA, silly.

Nobody thought she was the reason.

Church attendance- up to three hours back then… and everybody went.

The wizarding world has become a nasty place. Freemason-style "white" magic vs. Nazi-style "dark" magic. How about "none of the above"?


That isn't much of a viewer base: ten-year-old English kids and the occasional channel-surfing Trekkie…

It doesn't, really. No-magic would mean just that. Muggle conveys stupidity…and the opening of the first Harry Potter book exists to reinforce the perception.

No, it is meant to appeal to people who would like to be special and better than everyone else. Feeling isolated has nothing to do with it. The wizards never really associate with muggles, do they? They segregate themselves in magical gated communities. Muggles are beneath them.

I think Fantastic Beasts will be worse…now the muggles will be evil, as well as inferior (because they are Americans). I was also an outsider as a child, and never much liked the Harry Potter franchise either. Harry Potter appeals to average, ordinary people who wish there was something special and "aristocratic"

Women find Thor plenty interesting…

Nobody wants a SHIELD movie, either.

Enjoy the live-action Little Mermaid that will be coming out! It will be all sorts of empowering and feministy, I guarantee it!!!

They like Thor, that is about it.

Because it is difficult to dress Ms. Johansson like that and then have her go around as a spy. We don't live in the 1960's anymore.

Wonder Woman will crater, and we will all be able to go back to sleep. Hollywood gives people what they want- not what they SAY they want.

It is not a problem. Disney is making live-action princess movies. Same difference.

Only a bastard can get anything done in Hollywood. That's why they are like that. They herd talented crazies for a living.

Considering how spectacularly successful Marvel has been, Perlmutter knows his stuff.

An inflatable Black Widow doll would sell fine, but Ms. Johansson would probably object.