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    Just remember that there was never an Arab state, never a Palestinian state or any other state…
    Gaza was part of Egypt. in 1967 there was a war between Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and also Iraq (Egypt and Syria started the war) Israel made one of her biggest mistake (at least in my

    And I haven't said a word about the show itself so: I think that a kids' show that can make you close your head and just enjoy the action and at the same time makes you think about complex Philosophical questions is a Damn good show.

    Am I the only one that got way too philosophical after this one?
    it got me thinking about the very interesting topic of free choice and determinism,
    and I'm not talking about God (but you may take it that way if you like) I'm talking about Physics and Evolutionary Instinct.
    I mean do we Really have free will?

    I thought it was just a cool reference and a really weird wink to the adults that are watching. also thank god that they decided to go with one of the most softest part on his animation- we don't want to traumatize (much..) our next generation.

    In the end of his second show when people (well bugs..) were throwing coins at him Blue Nose shook his head.
    I can not interpret this other than as an act of disgust and disappointment.

    I love the "Ars Cinematica" in this one.
    there is a deep feeling of frustration that arises from being a misunderstood artist.
    that feeling even gets worse when you are usually an understood and estimated artist.
    sometimes you just get tired and sick of what you're doing, you want to re-invent yourself, you want to do

    Finn's song, with his childish words and rhythm, is unbelievably strong. the use of the words "baby" and "daddy" holds on a lot of feelings.

    sorry to interrupt the all "Peebs finally did something good with her manipulative tendencies" but the fact that she know exactly how Finn's dad looks like, the way he dressed, sound and talk (the way his starship looks)…that girl already know him.

    Lumpy Space* of course.

    PB's pride wil kill them all,
    seriously, its looks like all* she cares about is respect and admiration:
    "jake,don't deny my science!"
    "i will avoide declaring war on the entirety of lumpy spice ruled by your parents if you apologize to me Immediately!"
    jeez I mean LSP is annoying and rude but declaring war on

    *I wonder how this episode would look like if rebecca sugar we're on it.
    I bet she would nail the marcy-simon's parts. (probably betty as well..)
    it's not that I didn't like it, it gets an easy B+, but it was TOO fast for me.

    The flashback was freaking nazi,
    I just cant be the only one who saw that, right?