Black Bullet Ultra

Miles is a legacy superhero. He should come after Peter, I feel. I mean I can imagine him without coming after Peter, but it's a very different character than Bendis created.

I was hoping he had opinions on the video game Journey.

Wow. That's a talented group right there because that song was great.

Any time you think you're the only person to have a pretty simple opinion, you're not.

Not one major villain in Dragon Ball Z was ever beaten by just one person. Either a spirit bomb was involved or a father son kamehameha. Naruto and Bleach, though…

Jack's not ready. He really wasn't in the beginning of the show, or Aku wouldn't have been able to send him into the future. This guy is the guardian of the time portal and I always took it that the universe wouldn't and couldn't let anyone through it unless it was absolutely certain that the person could put things

Bubbles! no, Wee Bey!

His daughter is smoking hot too, my god.

What up Lance! C-Rain?