
Reading through the comments, apparently that's what Netflix is asking for? (this is, of course all complete nonsense that I've seen no sources for)

The problem isn't with the creators, but with the studio taking more creative control than they should.

Personally, if there is a second season, I would prefer a second season that explored a completely new town with different characters and a whole new mystery to reveal.

It it has Scarlett Johansson, then lots of people.

As a game Wii Music was terrible, but it had some pretty good success as a teaching aid in schools.

So it's post post parody?

Hmm, I met one person who was classically trained who couldn't play by ear. I guess that means classically trained people can't play by ear. Can't beat that logic!

That is because songs predictably repeat the chorus/verse. You find any two songs with similar chord progression and back beat and they will line up exactly the same way.

Some people just hate greatness

What gets me about the movies, especially Goblet of Fire onwards, is that after all the hype built up around him, Voldemort isn't scary. Combine this with fights that have overblown VFX and over the top dramatics that come off as trying way too hard at creating tension that isn't there, and you get scenes that just go

Also Family Guy had a lot of success after being canceled and then brought back.

When I was a kid I loved this movie. Fun action and an exciting soundtrack. Just a few weeks ago rewatched the movie. One thing that stood out was just how bland and uninspired Kevin Kostner's acting was. Just lazy acting.

Damnit Randall!

I think the franchise started subverting the damsel in distress trope in Ocarina of Time (1998), when they introduced her alter ego as Sheik. While Link is still explicitly the hero, and Zelda often needs some form of rescue, the premise of the game has moved away from Link needing to rescue Zelda and more along the

Yet in the original comic books they all wore red masks. The only way to tell them apart were the weapons (katana, nunchaku, sai, bo) and to some extent their different mannerisms. The color coding didn't happen until Sat morning cartoon.

It really just makes me wanna sai…

I think in the second movie the violence was toned down a lot. "For the kids".

It's arguable that in the original TMNT live action film that Raphael is the main protagonist, and the most interesting of the four. He had the most character development. He learned from the mistakes his ego got him into, put it aside, and was eventually able to learn rely on his brothers/teammates more.