
You sir win the interwebs today, July the 5th, 2017.

Naw it's the British coming, if you want *working* socialized medicine I think we need a Swedish takeover.

Seems 4 million a week is a lot. I thought that was going to be a yearly or half a year number.

I left NJ almost two years ago, and the one thing I miss is proper pizza.

Though I like a pepperoni pizza, I generally agree with this post. If someone can't do a simple cheese pizza, then chances are they will eff everything else up.

NIght Crossing….I seem to remember that, watched in school in like the 4th or 5th grade.

One night after partying at a kegger me and my friends drove to Houston to get tickets to their show at the Astrodome. I hooked up with a hot read head.