
Sounds suspicious indeed. But I wouldn't be surprised if next year the RP and SP are coming up with two very different lists (or at least, I hope so).

Was there anything wrong in the editor categories?

Well no, obviously not in the category in question. But the situation wasn't the same for the 4 other categories as far as I understood.

Yup. The content of my messages though… But whatever help you sleep at night. Will that help you sleep if I tell you you're one of the good guys and I'm the bad guy?

Yup. The content of the messages though… but hey! Whatever help you sleep

Alright, I guess you have links to back up your claim?

Or maybe they just genuinely enjoyed this movie and thought it deserved an award? Yes I know, it sounds ridiculous…

Well, it seems that there isn't one clique anymore but several, which pisses of the original one that reacts by a scorched earth strategy… Pretty childish if you ask me.

And before that you had the good ol' technique of having the dead voting or having people helping the soon be dead putting the right (yeah that's usually a technique used by the right) bulletin in the enveloppe.

That's definitely a valid point.

". It is premised on a belief that the Hugos as an award and SF as a
genre can only be reflective of real artistic merit when they are in
line with a certain vision of traditionalist white male hegemony"

Yeah pretty much. But for that it means ideologues and extremists should have taken the high road… And they usually never do.

"The really sad thing is that lots of the authors and works they
nominated are not MRAs or racists, but because of the association with
this movement they had no chance of getting an award"

… Because the winning Novelette was so great this year… C'mon!

Hum yeah because people like Patrick Nielsen Hayden being nominated so many times in a tailor made category is totally unbiaised… Please!
Everybody was fine with the system as long as no "outsider" came to burst the buble. That doesn't really sound like a great system to me. What I hope is that the next years will see

Everybody lost. I read what Larry Correira had to say about the whole story, he's hardly calling this a victory. Being able to say "I told you" isn't necessarily a victory.

Oh yeah because "The Day the world turned upside down" is such a masterpiece and definitely deserved to win… Are you kidding me?

"Wired did a story today about the Puppies that summed things up really well"

This article forgot to mention that GotG was indeed on the Sad Puppies list… And I'm glad this homophobic and racist movie won. /s

Wooooo! The MRAs are controling nominations! And soon our minds! Everybody, take out your tinfoil hat, now!