
Did Donatella Versace have a say in the casting? Because this sounds like outright flattery. Penelope Cruz fits all the standards for conventional female beauty/sexiness whereas Donatella IRL is . . . whatever the Italian equivalent of une jolie laide is, with a healhy dose of sort of sci-fi strange.

So true. I enjoyed the series but DGAF about the romance storyline or Dev's foodie tv show hitting the rocks. The romance seemed like one of the writers spinning out some wish fulfillment. The arc about Dev's career seemed like a step beyond "first world problems" into "first world minor celebrity problems" — oh, how

A gay sex scene on tv that's both raunchy and mystical? For that alone, this episode deserves an A+, and the rest of the series would have to seriously screw up to obscure that milestone.

This show was always painfully bad, on a par with 2 1/2 Men as far as carrying dated, unfunny faux "humor" into this century. The only way this would be watchable would be if they addressed the things that made the show horrible. It might actually be funny if the characters talked about outgrowing being stereotypes.