
No fucking way. A few good episodes like the first three, as well as Tweak x Craig, but especially the last few episodes have been total shit. Horrible writing. Leslie is an Ad or something and Mackay is the mole for some reason and Pc principal is in Russia killing human ads or something? It's like a plot written by

Uh, no I think they definitely were, which is why this episode was a total confusing mess. They wrote themselves into a corner and had to come out with really stupid stuff like "Mackey is the mole because he was tired of listening to Principal Victoria's problems… or something".

Stick of Truth WAS based on an entirely new story. Of course they game was full of injokes and references to past episodes, but the storyline was new…unless there was some series of episodes about a new kid coming to town and the fight between elves and humans for the stick of truth that I missed.

This is definitely true. You can tell by the way bear crept into that room saying "Brother….where are ya?" that he was planning on offing him.

He was the one killed initially but I'm pretty sure they were all killed eventually. The only people who escaped are Lou, Hanzee, Peggy, Ed and that one Gerhardt guy from Rapid City or wherever who runs away near the beginning of the shootout. Oh also the shitty cop who Peggy knocked out is still alive and Hank was

These are not plot holes. They are only plot holes in the same way that a Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist can look at that event and insist there are "plot holes" in the official version of events. Coincidences happen in real life all the time. Did Ed get lucky that paper was there? Of course..but people get lucky in

I actually originally assumed that was the case due to the gravity with which the boss delivered that message to him, that the idea was he was going to be "replaced" in a very real sense. Then after reading the comments I disavowed myself of this notion because actually it doesn't make sense. It does seem wasteful to

It's quackery either way, which is why he got a Naturopath to do the testing. You can't accurately measure serotonin levels from urine or blood. At least not in the sense that it will produce a "up to minute" type reading that would reveal your current mood. You would have to do some kind of brain scan.

I've never heard the term cochise…is this a native slur?

I think it has more to do with Hanzee being a born soldier and Dodd being an extremely domineering presence in the household. Hanzee, by virtue of being both a native and not a real family member, would have been lowest in the pecking order in the Gerhardt family. Dodd being the oldest and a controlling asshole, would

There were flesh wounds…No way she punctured a lung, not deep enough at all.

He is pretty incompetent. Also how do they find two bodies in Peggy and Ed's house and not lock down the scene whatsoever? They just take a look, leave and Hanzee walks in. I get they are small town police but come on…

Also, once Dodd had gotten a taste of the beans and probably realized how hungry he actually was, he says "No, it's ok, they're good" obviously wanting more and then she starts eating them herself instead. So completely twisted…she's a master torturer already.

Bingo. Hard drinking private eye is an extremely well worn cliche. I think it works though because this is a pretty cheesy, campy show to begin with.

It would seem like a sedative is a way more reliable method of knocking somebody unconscious. I mean, I know this isn't real life but if we're going to be arguing logistics, in real life you can't just knock someone out with a blow to the head very reliably. That's a serious blow and could easily kill or leave him in

Yeah, it's an Italian American thing. If you watched Sopranos you would have heard Tony call black people "mulignans" which is an Americanization of the italian word for eggplant.

Too old? Haha try too white.

I imagine Ed helped Peggy get Dodd in the car after running home and they split together. If they didn't meet up at the house how else would they have hooked up prior to fleeing?

Really? I definitely thought she was dumb. As a bag of rocks.

How did he cause her death by falling for her feminine wiles? She was trying to seduce him so he wouldn't tell her family what she'd been up. So his plan was already to cause her death.