Chris Adams

It does not make any sense that Rip left his family in such a dangerous time period.

I just rewatched the season 1 finale of The Flash today; Rip Hunter built the first Time Sphere.

I imagine the main reason why Connor Hawke is John Diggle's son and not Oliver Queen's is because the latter would suggest either a) his marriage to Felicity doesn't work out, or b) there is, indeed, another kid out there just like William from Oliver's playboy past.

It's also pretty good that a Kiwi can pronounce that so well - but then again, her accent is usually pretty great. I've never heard her slip, unlike Stephen Amell on Arrow this week.

Connor Hawke is in Legends of Tomorrow this week, but he's not Oliver's son.

I did watch the cartoon and I was bemused at Laurel's apparently knowing Mari. Since when? I don't remember her being involved.

My best guess is that the Man in the Iron Mask is the real Jay Garrick, who Zoom has been impersonating on Earth-2 for some time. They don't have to have looked the same; perhaps the original Jay had a habit of blurring his features to conceal his identity? We know from Harrison Wells's recollections from Earth-2 and

I have seen seven films Nolan has directed, everything except his first (Following) and his last (Interstellar), and I liked all of them to varying degrees. I don't think any of them are outright bad films.

Yes, and Stein brought both that and the lack of the stabilising device up when Valentina forced him to merge.

Not really. I was wondering why Rip didn't just shoot him, until the explosives went off and killed him anyway, but if Savage thought they had a chance to kill him permanently, he wouldn't let a gun to the head stop him from fighting - better to be shot in the head now and killed for a while than killed off forever.

It doesn't make sense for Thea to be the person advocating that Oliver keep secrets from Felicity. Even if she's no longer the person who would leave town with Malcolm because "at least he's never lied to me," I still fundamentally don't believe she's changed that much. It smacks of the writer twisting the character