
Thank you. We WILL all laugh again very soon.

But you could say that about several of the games. You have to put your faith in Standards and Practices.

I really like that Rat Race game. They should play it more often.

Good God! How did Mr. Hill remain upright during this whole interview? At any rate, a very pleasant guy. I realize that isn't the highest compliment but seriously, I was worried about him throughout his visit on camera.

You almost convinced me I knew what that hinky end zone rule thing is but after Dad tried we both gave up. I'll save the rest of my questions for the next time we watch a game together. I know how much you'll enjoy that.


I had to scroll down for a long time to find you this week!

Love you Pops!!

I'm figuring he stopped reading the comments after a while.

I can only imagine the throwing of JT's hat and scaring of the cat paled in comparison to an Easter Sunday meltdown that he shared with the entire neighborhood. It was rather ugly.

Absolutely charming!!

YaY NH!!

Love you, Pops!!

I knew that….

This was the cutest EVER PAC!!!

Does your shoe have a boy inside?
What a funny place for a boy to hide.
Does your shoe have a dog there too?
A boy and a dog and a foot in the shoe.
Well the boy is Buster Brown and the dog is Tighe his friend.
And they're really just a picture but it's fun to play pretend……..

Wonderful and delightful!! But he should have picked the Trix rabbit. Look how long he's been around!! He's doing something right!

I definitely utilize the hover-squat method. It works for everything! I also flush with my foot. I don't touch anything I don't have to. I especially appreciate a bathroom with faucets you don't have to touch.

Awww, why do you have to ruin a perfectly good talk about pooping with this. I think you should go to your room and think about what you've done.

Pops! Did you have a bad day? There's a lot of trash talking going on. Do you need a hug?