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    It's been bugging me for four and a half seasons but I finally realised who Holly Taylor reminds me of: John Mulaney! Their faces look so similar when they smile. Maybe he should have played her older half brother…

    I was utterly ensorcelled by the chalkboard backstory

    Worthington taught a week long acting course I attended as a teenager back in 2004 and his advice on how to act well was pretty much:

    Stan has endearing traits and Noah Emmerich certainly makes it easy to empathise with him but he murdered Vlad so it's a little creepy for you to go on and on about him being a nice guy. Like how heinous an act does a character have to commit before they no longer qualify as a "nice guy" according to you?

    It doesn't make sense to me either, surely if Eliot was bi he and Margo would either be in or have been in a romantic relationship at some point?


    These have been some of the worst reviews I've ever read on this site. I don't know if laziness, arrogance or poor comprehension skills are to blame (probably some combination of the three) but sometimes it almost seemed as though he was writing them based on someone else's notes having never actually seen the episode

    but he rhymed steadicam with Mrs. Landingham!

    I think Olaf's hench people just liked the pasta puttanesca during the dinner scene rather than sympathising with the kids but maybe I'm wrong. As for the "you're such a pretty girl, after we marry I'll let you live (so I can force myself on you)" stuff with Olaf it always horrified me when I read the books as a kid

    I think Felix views Maeve as a she and not an "it"

    "excess votes" huh? Weird concept. (I'm not American so I never took sixth grade civics)

    "So, there are samurai on hand. Are there other sections of the park we haven’t seen yet?"

    I know right! She even repeats the same two phrases every time; "it just really hurts me when (insert bullshit here)" and "it just makes me so sad". As if that monster is capable of genuine sadness. Rob could literally be like "I hate myself and I want to die" and she would find a way to make it about herself while

    I think I watch because I find people with personality disorders fascinating but interacting with them in real life is usually super unpleasant. Kris Jenner is so repulsively mesmerising to me. Her relationship with her children is so profoundly exploitive and unhealthy and damaging and she feels so damn sorry for

    I'm not sure you can technically count Newt as a "Hogwarts graduate"

    she also has that conversation with Ford in episode five

    For some reason Doctor Who was what ended up soothing me. I could really use a time-travelling alien madman with a blue box right about now.

    fuck confidentiality of communication

    Of course she is, I didn't mean to suggest that I agreed with her self-serving shit about "being fair", it made my skin crawl. I just found myself feeling sorry for Phi Phi for a brief moment because she is such a piss poor communicator that she alienates people even when saying things they agree with. Mostly though I

    You're so right. The body language of the other queens as she was giving her whole "ya switched it up" speech was just "stop, ah, stop talking" and they mostly agreed with what she was saying. She just expresses herself so stridently and unpleasantly that people can't help but reject it, which she no doubt picks up on