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    but Blanca likes reading more than she likes living her actual life, how can you not love her?

    You're welcome : )

    is it weird that my second thought upon seeing him was "I'm glad for that chick on the A.V.Club who said he'd still be a significant part of the show and somehow ended up being called a racist for it"?


    I think Martha will commit suicide. I can't remember if the interview was with Alison Wright or one of the writers, but someone mentioned something about Martha being partly inspired by a small number real women who were in a similar situation during the cold war, and two of them killed themselves when they found out

    You might be right about there being more naked Claire than naked Jaime but there was definitely something unusual about the way Sam Heughan's body was shot in those scenes that I really appreciated. The way the camera lingered on his thigh and the underside of hide arm when Claire was laying on top of him in the

    Yeah when Pete tells Lou that he's asked Don to join them for the Burger Chef meeting I was immediately reminded of Bert Cooper telling Don "fire him if you want, but I'd keep an eye on him, one never knows how loyalty is born" in Nixon vs. Kennedy.

    I loved the little grimace-head nod thing Elizabeth Moss did after Lou said that. It so perfectly expressed the compromise Peggy made between the defeat of not refuting something so idiotic, but also her tiny victory in not dignifying it with any kind of verbal response or agreement. I also liked the contrast between

    I felt the same, I kept feeling this weird maternal urge to like hug him and tell him to calm down because I wasn't going to let the computer turn him into a homo. Poor Ginsberg

    I quite liked Adele and her friends dancing to I Follow Rivers in her backyard at her 18th birthday party in Blue is the Warmest Colour. Jennifer Lawrence belting out Live and Let Die while cleaning the house in yellow rubber gloves was also pretty awesome in American Hustle.