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    This season, Cisco's character development was obviously prioritized than hers. Glad Killer Frost made an appearance, hopefully, the writers will also steadily develop Caitlin Snow in upcoming episodes and seasons. She's a supporting character on The Flash, but it'll be a waste if they don't develop her.

    Maybe they only had a pistol for 1 Iris at a time. This episode E2 Iris had it.

    AFTER, I agree… but the thing is… Iris kept on waltzing in there even BEFORE she got a clue of Barry's secret. My guess is it's more to do with the writers having no clue what to do with her character so she's shoe-horned in STAR labs scenes.
    The Flash writers really need to step back and see the flaws of their writing

    Killer Frost was THE best part of Earth 2. I just wished the episode had more Killer Frost, Deathstorm, Reverb and Zoom. Her powers shouldn't have been nerfed by being easily shot like that when she obviously is so much more powerful.
    E1 Barry (hard as it may be for him) should have behaved like a real man and stayed