Wolfie Smith

You’re a manimal disease, and I am the manicure!

Manimal was the best! Ok, not really, but I still loved it!

An American remake of The Raid...

“On or about June 29, 2017,”

“Drayton was shocked to see that a new Public Enemy album was being released...”

He sent a letter from the government the other day.

It was a subpoena.

“he never gave the band authorization to use his tracks, which he called, “not up to his standards of quality.””

Less spears, more falling into pits.

He’s like the Kinja of presidents: Ugly by design, never wants to work and is preoccupied with making everything a white space.

Morty’s anguished screams at the beginning of the episode were amazing. I was laughing to the point of tears.