Chuck Schick

I neither wish to see Emilia Clarke early, nor free. For I will not have that shit.

Neither does Mickey wear a shirt. Yet Goofy wears both.

You lose the internet

And there are about 30 people who could do a better job than him.

Yeah, that's not going out a limb. Jesus Christ…DiCaprio is a better actor than De Neiro? What are you, twelve? What the fuck is wrong with everybody? DiCaprio has chosen wisely the projects he's been involved with. He surrounds himself with better actors/directors, but he himself does nothing to make a movie

We know who wasn't watching "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?"…

This shall not enter my home. For I will not have that shit. I will not have it.

Oh shut the hell up you pretentious fuck!

Or a "flash cube"

Is that supposed to be Mia Kirshner in the photo? Cause it's not. It's Isabella Rosselini. And she's not in this movie.

Why use a big word when a diminutive one will do.

I'll have the tea

Or Red Dwarfs "Committee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society." Erm, one drawback with that…