
I certainly agree that The Newborn is extremely creepy. It was the only thing that really elicited a reaction from me in AR, genuine fear. There is something extremely unsettling about it.

"Why does it look so sore?" <—— This was one of those "I've seen it, I can't unsee it" moments. Ugh.

There's a *lot* going on in the title of this article alone.

Caught up on the S2 premiere of Humans. Finally saw Picnic From Hanging Rock, something I've been curious about for a while now. Apart from that, for some reason this weekend I have felt compelled to revisit some of my favorite M*A*S*H episodes, which has been nice.

Argh, I was hoping for a couple more seasons of Dark Shadows. Balls.

I'm a floral designer & after the nightmare that was Valentine's Day, I very nearly ordered myself one of these monstrosities as a reward for making it through my 15th V Day holiday unscathed.

Me: There is NOTHING Warner Brothers can possibly to do leave me shaking my head anymore when it comes to the DCEU.

I genuinely don't know how I feel about this. Hmm.

I thought it was gonna be The Mullets but you went for the gold. Well played!

Homeboys In Outer Space <——- A title that I never, ever thought I would hear again in my life. Well played, AV Club.


You'll get no argument from me. Hammer is the best thing about that film, even though I feel Cavill had his moments.

Cavill had moments in The Man From UNCLE where he positively oozed charm and likability & I found myself wishing that they'd give his Superman the chance to do the same.

Was gonna make a bad Nun pun but I don't need to take up another habit.

Child of the 80's here, frequently fueled by Cocoa Puffs & Superfriends cartoons back then*. I've always loved DC's characters, perhaps to a fault. I remember at one point (pre MoS) being excited that the DCEU was finally gonna be a "THING, y'all, finally!!"

Well, like most of America's cultural elite, he does worship Pan, the goat god.

Well, I mean… of *course* he would say that.

"Something Good, Something Sad" could also double as title of the inevitable documentary chronicling the Obama years, then the Trump ones.

What a talent. What a loss. What a f**king week.

It's got a tantalizing name, that much I am willing to admit. "Naked Chicken Chalupa" could be a dance craze or some taboo sexual position.