
throbbed with insane situations

All of this makes me feel a certain way, but I can't find the proper adjective to describe it.

What a week, y'all. What a week.

Why does the word "bae" only succeed in making me feel really, really old?

Singularly scintillating & strikingly special, even.

Mostly…my Mads madness fluctuates between Moderate & Manic.

The world needs more Mads, so I am extremely down with this.

Ok. I won't be losing sleep over it, though.

In a decade filled with some pretty great sitcoms, Night Court reigns supreme in my 80's-loving heart. This was a great read, just wonderful.

I'm all about Hal getting another shot on the big screen, but I'd rather see someone else in the role.

Love seeing Jackson Browne's Lawyers In Love listed. That track and album brings back some great memories.

I didn't just want him to lose, I wanted him to lose *so*, so badly that he became reduced to being a cautionary tale. And yet, here we are. I still can't process it. I just wish I weren't so frightened of the future.

“I was nervous for eight years with Obama"

Guess the data on Wanksock isn't in yet.

Small world, I live in Mitchell County NC!