
Exactly! It doesn't even seem like people want this to happen.

I might watch the first episode just to see how they handle the dialogue but agree that expectations are set exceedingly low.

Am I the only one who's really unexcited for this? I loved the original series and Freeform is just not the network that's going to make a great adaptation of Misfits. Maybe FX or one of the streaming services but definitely not a network that won't be able to push things as far as the original.

As a major Banshee fan this makes me so happy!

I thought I saw on Reddit somewhere that he was confirmed for season 3? It makes me fearful that he will be sent to the Phantom Zone (like a lot of people want) and then they spend a big chunk of next season trying to get him back. It would be a shame because in these past couple episodes they've finally gotten the

Or at the very least he could play Chic's partner or boss!

Isn't Chic Cooper a secret agent in the comics? It would be awesome if he rolls into town as an FBI agent as another nod to Twin Peaks and address the growing crime problem in Riverdale.

What a great finale! Am I the only one wondering if Josie's mom is more involved than she appears? It seemed like it was the same bag of money Hermione gave her was the one at Mustang's hotel room and she looked a little too uncomfortable during Betty's speech.

Did not see that incest story coming at all! After Veronica Mars, I just assumed the CW wouldn't allow an actual incestuous relationship but it's awesome that they really let Riverdale get as crazy as possible! Poor Jughead, my heart broke for him when his mother rejected his attempt to move to Toledo. We haven't seen

Oh okay now I get it! But definitely agree with you that her homecoming outfit was amazing.

I don't know if she's the killer but I think she's a lot more involved in her husband's criminal activities than she's letting on.

It was in the hallway fight scene when Jughead says he was going to stay in riverdale rather than go to Toledo with his family and Betty's face is just filled with anguish and hurt.

Betty's face when Jughead threw the Toledo line at her was heart wrenching. It really can't be said enough how terrific this entire cast has been but Lili Reinhart has consistently knocked it out of the park.

Does Roxy die in that explosion? She was pretty cool in the first season so it would be shame for her to be killed off.

Exactly! I'm really hoping they tell her early into the next episode because it would feel so contrived to have Betty be on opposite sides with her two best friends after by the end of the season.

Cole Sprouse and Lili Reinhart sold the hell out of that fight and reconciliation! It did feel weird that Veronica would choose not to tell Betty about her hookup especially when they vowed early on to not let a boy get between them. Betty is happily in a relationship and it seems like she would be more upset about

The ending broke my heart too when she broke down with Betty. It's like she's been so desperate to maintain her "perfect family" that when she finally let loose she ended up with even less family than before.

The dog was a funny ending! But I don't think they would kill Jay off until maybe the last episode? It would be too big of a loss for the show to lose Ed O'Neill.

I'm excited about this! If anything, it will hopefully pave the way for more onscreen debuts of more female heroes. Also Joss Whedon seems to do better working with female characters so it should at least be entertaining.

Drugged up Mitch and Cam made me laugh a lot more than I expected. Every time they got Lily's name wrong was hilarious, especially when they finally agreed her name was "Lucy".